Wednesday 27 January 2010

What I did on holiday

Awake! At the god awful hour of three
"The taxi's here. Has Harvey had a wee?"
Robbed of sleep, but Johnny won't complain.
He's flying out from Cardiff on a plane!

From every urban nook and cranny come,
an all inclusive army misbecome.
The grindstone now idle and oblique,
put down in kennels now, with Bonzo for the week.

All the overtime that daddy worked and banked,
And mummy's scrimping, making do that went unthanked.
The nights that daddy missed the warm familial fun,
means he can catapult his loved ones at the sun.

Dragging four times twenty kilos of new clothes,
all bought as bargains for this prayer of just repose.
The gallons of fake spray tan that coat mummy's frame,
will mean she'll go home four shades lighter than she came.

The sun, the sea, the booze, the fun commences
The colours and the freedom rape the senses.
The air, the sky, the light, the nights , the beaches.
Thank god we're not in bloody Bognor Regis!

Mum will watch her cubs aquatic play,
And as leaden domestic troubles ebb away,
Dad watches her unfurl into a goddess,
Happy that he knows he's on a promise.

So we drank our fill of sunshine for a time.
Hidden from gas bills, rolling news and petty crime.
And before we traipse back knackered through our door,
Let's count our blessings now. One, two, three and four.